Determine the host name, host IP address, and the service name or port number for both the primary and the standby database server. 决定主和备用数据库服务器的主机名、主机IP地址和服务名或端口号。
The hostname, rather than IP address, is provided so that you can change the host IP address without having to update the DNS SOA record. 提供主机名而不是IP地址是为了使您能够更改主机IP地址而不必更新DNSSOA记录。
Typically, a Web page generated from a particular host address is restricted to communicate back only to the same host address. 通常情况下,由特定主机地址生成的Web页面被限制为仅可与相同的主机地址通信。
You need to specify the host name or IP address of the full repository queue manager. 您需要指定完整存储库队列管理器的主机名称或IP地址。
Find the host name or IP address of the client machine. 找到客户端机器的主机名或者IP地址。
When used, this option restricts the access to TCP services based on the host name or IP address. 这个选项根据主机名或IP地址限制对TCP服务的访问。
Doing so requires a host name or IP address and a user name. 这需要主机名或IP地址和一个用户名。
The-n switch specifies that host name-to-IP address resolution shouldn't be performed. n选项指定不应该执行主机名到IP地址解析。
Update the pureXML host address and the context root path to point to your universal services. 更新pureXML主机地址及上下文根路径,让其指向全局服务。
When deploying the application in a clustered environment, the application should use the IP address of the proxy fronting the application server cluster, instead of the host address ( in. getHostAddress()). 在集群环境中部署应用程序时,应用程序应该使用前置应用程序服务器集群的代理的IP地址,而不是主机地址(in.getHostAddress())。
The address of a socket is a combination of the host's IP address ( or hostname) plus a port number. 套接字的地址由主机的IP地址(或主机名)和端口号组成。
Define a scope that includes the host address of the Application Server. 定义一个范围,包括ApplicationServer的主机地址。
If they don't, add the other host name and IP address to the file/ etc/ hosts. 如果不知道的话,将另一台主机的名字和IP地址添加到/etc/hosts文件中。
A convenient way to find a free port is to pass in a null address, which automatically binds the socket to the local host address and uses a free ephemeral port. 找到空闲端口的便利方法是传递一个null地址,它会自动将套接字绑定到本地主机地址,并使用空闲的临时端口。
Traffic can be classified by IP address range, host address, protocol, port or any combination of these parameters. 流量可以由ip地址范围、主机地址、协议、端口或者以上这些参数的任意组合进行分类。
Strategy is to test the virtual host IP address sharing sites. 虚拟主机策略是检验共享IP地址网站。
Unrecognized host or address, or protocol not running. 无法识别的主机或地址,或协议没有运行。
If nonzero, don't send this host's IP address and domain name to servers. 如果非零,将不会向服务器发送该主机的IP地址和域名。
If host displays an IP address, the computer you specified is on the Internet. 如果host显示一个IP地址,那么你所指的计算机就在因特网上。
Before NAT, a host with a private address could not access the Internet. 在使用NAT之前,采用私人地址的主机无法进入到网际网路;
Setting up this server to host address lists 正在设置此服务器以驻留地址列表
Returns the host address, given a client context. 返回主机地址,因为客户方面。
Eliminates reassigning each host a new IP address when changing to a new ISP. 当更换一个新的ISP时,此项技术可以免除为每一部电脑重新指定新的IP地址的工作。
IPv6 Host Address Configuration IPv6主机地址配置技术
Thus the byte answering form followers make the calling system more reliable in the inquiry process of host address system. 在主机的地址查询过程中,从机的字节应答形式使呼叫系统更为可靠。
Host address recognition technology based on ARP 基于ARP协议的网络主机地址的识别技术研究
Besides it, IPv6 protocol takes many new technologies, which includes the more highly effective IP header and QoS and the automatic configuration of host address; 除此之外,IPv6还采用高效的IP数据报头、服务质量、主机地址自动配置等许多新技术,将极大的满足用户对网络的新需求,这也决定了IPv4必然向IPv6过渡。
The data sent by host contains address information. Only the address in the host command coincides with the actual address the command has effect. 在传送的数据中包含有地址信息,只有主机命令的地址与实际的地址相吻合的时候才处理数据。
C/ S client is about to link is mainly responsible for setting the host IP address, users login and screen lock client settings. 所实现的功能模块包括:C/S客户端主要负责设置即将链接的主机P地址、用户的登录以及客户端的锁屏设置等。
But for photograph URL, it can only be screened by human by recording host address, access time and so on, not can be analyzed fast and automatically. 对于图片URL,由于暂时无法做到快速自动分析,只做记录URL主机地址、访问时间等信息到数据库,待人工检查图片。